Dreams come true【Seoul】 party 2008


22 March 2008 was the unforgettable Dreams come true to Korean members. It was because Andy visited Seoul, Korea again to meet each member in person. On that day it was getting cold and even starts raining …but spring had come and flowers were in bloom in member’s heart.

When I arrived at the party venue, I saw two of Andy’s full body shot posters were hung both sides in a high place on the wall at the venue. Wow…Andy is really good-looking!

When Andy appeared, cheers sounded all over and it was the start of the event. MC guided Andy to get down from the stage and have a seat to enjoy member’s performance, young grass hand towel dance. And then, the dreams come true, the time that members have looked forward to, a photo-taking, officially started. Then, Q&A time, Andy still remember the feeling about the first concert in Korea, and shared unforgettable memories with us! Andy even promised to visit Korea again to have a concert. When it was game time, Andy wore apron given by member. The apron was printed with crystal name of Andy. And he made seaweed roll. I didn’t know that Andy doesn’t like eating carrot by now!

Lastly, members presented a New Year card to Andy. There were signatures of all the members on the card, and celebrated in advance the movie’s success in the box office with a message, “Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon startles the world, Andy Lau win the box office” We then sang 【Xin gan bao bei】together for Andy. I really didn’t wish Andy to leave the venue. I hope there will be chances to meet Andy every year. Andy’s existence makes me really happy. See you next time!

Written by: Angela