Andy Lau Charity Foundation Costume Sale


It has been 3 years, Andy’s Charity sales and auction of costumes were held again in Fan Club!

On the day, members queued up at the head office from early in the morning. After admitting the venue, we looked round to search for favorite things. There were 2 sections. No sooner, members have got their favourite things. I also found some in my hand and did not let go because I might afraid someone would “rob” them away ha, ha….) All members are kind hearted. Not only can we help others but also wear and collect Andy’s clothes and accessories. One stone two birds !

The auction was held in the afternoon. Andy, as the host, appeared smartly. He selected and contributed several suits, which were full of valuable memories. Members were keen on biding. The selections included costumes and accessories worn in the past concerts and limited edition Andox and Box Tee etc. After bids and bids, prices got higher and higher. At last, those who got the bid could go on stage to receive their “prizes” and took photos with Andy.

Finally, we wish with our heart and contribution could support and help the needed. Giving is better than receiving !

Text : Hedy

00:34 on 2013-03-12