1st Quarter Member’s Birthday Party


Event: 1st Quarter Member’s Birthday Party
Date: 7th March 2009
Venue: Fan Cub (HK)
Text: Helen Poon 

After waiting for one year, the 1st quarter member’s birthday party were held on 7th March at Andy World Club. There were about 500 members joining the party and the atmosphere was very lively! Although the main guests were members who were born in January, February or March, we were only looking forward to meeting our “housemaster” — Andy! 

Usually Andy appears on stage but this time. He unexpectedly entered from the back of the activity room and was so good-looking in his orange jacket. All of us were so excited and screaming loudly without break! Immediately after Andy was on stage, 6 members were chosen in a special way to join him and played a game “Guessing number”. All members regardless on stage or in the seats were excited and enjoying!

Then, here came the time which everybody was mostly looking forward to — taking photos with Andy! Members took their mirrors out, got themselves ready with the best look for the shot with Andy. They also thought of interesting poses and requested Andy to follow. Afterwards, everybody returned to their seat with enjoyment, and carried the best smiles on their faces. 

The next session was Andy cut a cake and made wishes for all of us. Then it was chat time. In this family, I always feel so relaxed and happy to chat with Andy. 

Followed by chatting with us, Andy sang us 4 new and touching songs: “You are my everything”, “I Wish”, “Life-time Partner” and “Wait for me”. We were all drowned by his voice. “Encore … encore… ” was our wishes! 

The 1st quarter birthday party ended after the singing session. We were so excited that we didn’t want to go home!

Finally, I wish the members happy birthday, with good health and may all your wishes come true!