Hand in Hand Party 2009


Event: Hand in Hand Party 2009
Date: 6th March 2009
Place: Andy World Club head office
Text: Kimmy Yuen

“Hand in Hand Party”, the first event organized by Andy World Club in 2009, was held on 6th March 2009. Members who meet Andy from time to time perhaps is not that excited comparing to those new members who never see Andy in such close distance. Although I am not a new member, I could still feel their excitement!

The event kicked off with Rules and Regulations of our Club. MC summarised that there are 5 main points. The last but not the least is “Except Andy, you should have no other idols.” The venue was then filled with joyfulness, meanwhile there was a familiar voice saying “Is that be possible? Can you really do that?” The one whom everybody was waiting for finally appeared on stage – Andy, that’s our target! All the eyes were falling on him.

When it came to conversation time with Andy, the new members might be surprised and did not expect to have a chance to talk directly with him. If they had been waiting for years for the chance, their dream had come true! Some members were so nervous that their hands were shaking, some felt that there was not enough time to express their feelings. After expressing themselves without taking a breath, they seemed they were going to faint. I could feel how touching this was. Because of a moment with Andy or just 5-minute talk, members came from different places. I realized that we have one thing common which is “We do not ask for payment but support him silently”. We have also promised Andy that he is our only idol.

I also take this opportunity to welcome all new members to this cozy family, and hope that there will be more new joiners every year.

08:35 on 2013-03-12